Everyone who Frank Zane, also known as "The Chemist," is a legend in the world of bodybuilding. He is a three-time Mr. Olympia winner and is known for his symmetrical and aesthetic physique.
One of the unique aspects of his training was his focus on the "vacuum pose," a pose where the bodybuilder sucks in their stomach and holds it in, creating the illusion of a smaller waist and more defined abs.

Frank Zane's vacuum pose is one of the most iconic and recognizable poses in bodybuilding. The vacuum pose is a display of muscular control and definition that requires a significant amount of core strength and conditioning.
How to Perform
The vacuum pose is performed by standing upright with the feet shoulder-width apart. The bodybuilder then takes a deep breath in and holds it, while simultaneously flexing the abdominal muscles and pulling the navel towards the spine.
This creates a 'vacuum' effect, which accentuates the abdominal muscles and gives the illusion of a smaller waist.
The vacuum pose is performed by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and sucking in your stomach as hard as you can. Once you have created the vacuum, hold the position for 10-15 seconds, then relax and repeat for several reps.
As you become more comfortable with the exercise, you can increase the duration and number of reps.
The vacuum pose, also known as "abdominal hollowing," is an isometric exercise that targets the transverse abdominis, a deep abdominal muscle that helps to stabilize the spine and compress the abdominal contents.
This exercise is not only beneficial for bodybuilders, but also for anyone looking to improve their core strength and stability.
The vacuum pose is not only aesthetically pleasing, but it also has many benefits for the bodybuilder. Firstly, it develops and strengthens the core muscles, which are essential for stability and balance during weightlifting exercises.
Strong core muscles also improve posture and reduce the risk of injury. Secondly, the vacuum pose improves the bodybuilder's ability to control and isolate different muscle groups.
This is an important skill for bodybuilding as it allows the bodybuilder to target specific muscle groups during training and competitions.
One of the key benefits of the vacuum pose is that it helps to create the illusion of a smaller waist. This is because the vacuum pose compresses the abdominal contents and pushes them up, creating a tighter and more defined waistline.
Additionally, by targeting the transverse abdominis, the vacuum pose helps to improve core strength and stability, which can prevent back pain and injury.
It's also important to note that vacuum pose should be combined with other exercises for the abdominal muscles, such as crunches, leg raises, and planks, to achieve a well-rounded core workout. It should also be used in conjunction with a balanced diet and proper cardio to achieve the overall look desired.
Training For A Vacuum Pose
To achieve the vacuum pose, bodybuilders must have a low body fat percentage and well-developed abdominal muscles. This requires a combination of proper nutrition and a consistent training program that focuses on building muscle mass and burning body fat.

One of the best exercises to develop the core muscles needed for the vacuum pose is the plank. The plank is a simple yet effective exercise that works the entire core, including the rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, and obliques.
To perform the plank, start in a push-up position with the forearms on the ground and the body in a straight line. Hold this position for 30 seconds to 1 minute, making sure to keep the core muscles engaged throughout the exercise.
Another effective exercise for developing the core muscles needed for the vacuum pose is the leg raise. The leg raise targets the lower abdominal muscles and is performed by lying on your back with your hands at your sides.
Slowly raise your legs up towards the ceiling, making sure to keep your lower back pressed into the floor. Hold the position for a moment before lowering your legs back down.
In addition to specific exercises, bodybuilders should also focus on overall strength and conditioning. This includes a combination of weightlifting exercises that target different muscle groups, cardio training, and stretching.
By incorporating these exercises into their training program, bodybuilders can build muscle mass, burn body fat, and improve their overall fitness and conditioning.

Frank Zane's use of the vacuum pose was one of the key factors in his success as a bodybuilder. By incorporating this exercise into his training routine, he was able to create the illusion of a smaller waist and more defined abs, which helped to accentuate his symmetrical and aesthetic physique. Today, many bodybuilders still use the vacuum pose as a way to improve their core strength and achieve a more defined waistline.
It's worth noting that vacuum pose is not a new concept, and it has been used for centuries in yoga and other traditional forms of fitness. Frank Zane, however, was one of the first bodybuilders to bring it to the attention of the bodybuilding community and popularize it as a key exercise for achieving a more defined waistline.
Frank Zane's vacuum pose is one of the most iconic and recognizable poses in bodybuilding. His vacuum pose is a display of muscular control and definition that requires a significant amount of core strength and conditioning that not only looks aesthetically pleasing, but it also has many benefits for the bodybuilder such as developing and strengthening core muscles, improving the bodybuilder's ability to control and isolate different muscle groups, and reduce injury risks.
To achieve the vacuum pose, bodybuilders should focus on building muscle mass and burning body fat, performing exercises that target the core muscles such as the plank, leg raise, and other strength and conditioning exercises. Remember, consistency and patience are key to achieving this pose and any other bodybuilding goals.