The sight of bubble guts on todays stage truly is a sad and disgusting sight. It is no surprise that when I speak to the legends about the current bodybuilding scene, most say that it is a grotesque and monstrous site, because size has taken over aesthetics. During the Golden Era of bodybuilding, bodybuilding stars flocked to Vince’s Gym to be trained by the Iron Guru himself, with the hope of achieving beautiful aesthetic physiques.
Vince knew how to mould a mass of muscle and sculpt it into a form that would bring Michaelangelo to his knees! Vince would supervise the training and dietary programs of legends like Larry Scott, Don Howorth, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bert Elliot, Reg Lewis, Ray Routledge, John Tristam, Dominic Juliano, Gable Boudreaux, Freddy Ortiz and Mohamed Makkawy. According to Vince Gironda, the abdominal muscles are perhaps the most misunderstood area of all to develop.
It was his opinion that abdominals could easily be developed in just 6 weeks with none of today’s synthetic and dangerous diuretics, and it was also his opinion that the abdominals represent the true centrepiece of any aesthetic physique.
This booklet is Vince’s thesis on developing the abdominals, and in my opinion it is a true masterpiece! It contains all the knowledge that Vince accumulated over the years in regards to developing the abdominals.
Once again has come out with another classic bodybuilding booklet, and it is an exact replica of the original booklet that once sat at Vince’s Gym!

6 Weeks Abs is Back!
As a well known collector of bodybuilding booklets around the world, I am constantly asked by many fans as to where I find and purchase my booklets from. Searching for original booklets requires knowing what you are looking for and that takes a lot of experience. Old editions of these booklets can also cost a lot of money. Some of these go for 100 to 200 dollars on eBay! Fortunately for the current generation of bodybuilders and bodybuilding enthusiasts, has rereleased the original booklet in it’s original format, giving today’s current lifters the opportunity to enjoy and learn from the original knowledge of Vince Gironda without breaking the bank.
How do I know that this new booklet contains the same information as the original booklet as published by Vince Gironda? Because I happen to have many different copies of the original editions that Vince Gironda published over the years. Vince Gironda initially wrote about training the abdominals back in the early 60s, but by the late 70s and early 80s, he had devised his knowledge on the development of abdominals into a 6 week program that gave prize winning abs to anyone who undertook the course. This rereleased booklet represents the exact course that he finally achieved after 35 years of applied bodybuilding knowledge from the Iron Guru himself! You cant beat that!

Do You Want 6 pack Abs in 6 Weeks?
I consider this 24 page booklet one of Vince Gironda’s masterpieces. When you compare the previous Abdominal booklet editions that Vince came out with, you quickly realise how Vince began to compile the knowledge he gained over the years and how he finally came out with this 6 week course.
The booklet is very logical in reading, as it initially details the myths and facts about abdominal training to set your mind straight about how to approach training the abdominals.
The booklet then emphasizes the importance of nutrition, supplementation and dieting to manipulate the metabolism of the trainee, to allow for maximum fat loss whilst building muscle naturally. This is one of the most important concepts to training the abdominals according to Vince, as only through fat loss will one’s abdominals to become visible.
Vince also breaks down the important exercises necessary to bring out maximum development of the abdominal musculature, and details which ones one should avoid. In doing so, he finally breaks down a logical approach to training the abdominals in a 6 week course that is sure to bring out maximum abdominal definition without the need of dangerous diuretics or synthetic steroids.
Vince always adhered to this philosophy, and the development of the abdominals is no exception. Health is wealth! And for those enquiring as to whether abdominal musculature is favoured over reducing the size of the waist….fear not! Vince has you performing Old School Vacuums from day 1! Now that’s old school abdominal training!
Conclusion: Say not to the Bubble Gut!!
I would definitely recommend this book for anyone wishing to obtain classical abdominal development. By that I mean, that old school midsection that was prized so many years ago, and is no longer seen in today’s world of bubble guts!
Reducing the waist, and adding abdominal musculature makes the centre of the physique look like it was studded with jewels! Much better than looking like you belong in a maternity ward! What’s also great about this book is that the Vince teaches you how to bring out the abdominals using natural means without the use of chemicals or steroids. Having said that I would also recommend this book to those looking to both simply have an improved physique for the spring and summer or for those with more serious ambitions like entering a physique contest.
If you want improved abdominals, then try Vince’s 6 week abdominal course! You wont be disappointed!